We are celebrating 3 years of growth and love in our commitment as a wedded pair. Things that are involved in this celebration include being in Portland, Or with our friend Daniel. We kicked off the week with making a double pumpkin pie from scratch and cooking it in a cast iron skillet. Also we boiled an entire chicken down into soup for the week. After 2 days in the city, both which were started out right with Stumptown Coffee (2 blocks from Daniel's residence), Tyler and I headed toward the coast. We ended up in Seaside for one night and realized that it didn't have much to offer us as a small coastal town that catered to tourists. So we got back in the Volvo and drove up to Astoria, apparently the first settlement this side of the Mississippi. While there we snooped through book stores and thrift shops as well as galleries and a hotel. We ate dinner of halibut and chips with rockfish tacos at Fort George Microbrewery, walked through lots of mist and rain, laughed, talked of our future, slept 10 hours, enjoyed coffee and study time along with waffles and fruit the next morning.
I love these times that we get to experience because it is always a reminder of how good God is. Often we project our hopes for the future; being careful of what we ask for because we know to expect it to come to fruition. We can look back at the things that we prayed for in the past and see them in our lives as blessings.
We have 6 more days until we get back to the south. Plans of hiking and eating good food are ahead.
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