Saturday, May 14, 2011

Spring, we all love.

Royal had not seen this thing in bit. 

Just a delicious burger and fries shared outside on a warm day.
Our friends, the Douthitt's, invited us to their family's cabin for  a night. It was a great time.

We definitely made s'mores in our living room.

This is the time of year that we all yearn for. Finally made it through the snowy, windy gray days. We put things in the grounds and nurse them as they were our children; Anticipating some future homegrown meals. We have eaten many spinach and red romaine salads with the new addition of sugar peas. Royal bats at the little seedlings and giggles at their movements. He is truly enamored with plants and trees and flowers. Give him a stick with some leaves on it and he will be entertained. 
We have had some great times this past month, cabining with the Groces, sleepovers with the Criglers (like ol' times), farmers markets, walks in Cherokee Park, and mothers day was a treat!
Next week, we are on our way to FL to see Tyler's grandma and beach-it-up. It will be a real quick trip, just 4 days. Next month we will be going to WI to see my grandma for her 95th bday!
