Here we are in Chicago! We visited my family in the Appleton area for 4 days than headed to Milwaukee where we stayed with our dear friend Ashlee. We enjoyed awesome pork fries and ginger snap cocktails at Honeypie, so yummy. Following, we retired to the back porch of Ashlee's apartment.
We made our way to Chicago on tuesday not before stopping to see my sister in law Kerri for a few minutes. We ate dinner at De Cero our first night in the big city. A very loud place, which was good since Royal was being a bit fussy. But very good food none-the-less. We walked back and were pleasantly surprised to turn on the tube (something that is a luxury when on vacation) and see that The Office was on. That show is something.
Today is wednesday. We got up to the sweet cooing of our son. Tyler and I love it when this happens. We lay in bed and giggle to ourselves as Royal makes the smalliest, cutest sounds in the dark. (Good News! Royal has been sleeping from 10:30-5ish! I only have to feed him once!)
We got a hold of our dearest littlest friend Elizabeth and went out for coffee at the Star Lounge. Tyler found out that the owner had been to some of the same coffee farms as us in Guatemala. Crazy! It was nice to catch up with Liz. I love seeing obvious growth in people that are dear to me.
Since we have left Louisville Royal has learned how to put his foot in his mouth as well as sit upright without help for small periods of time! It is real mind blowing how these things happen so quickly. He also is eating avocado with gusto.
Tomorrow we spend half our day here, than off to Traverse City, Mi to see Jessica and Bradley.