Being a mom is awesome; like no other thing I have experienced. Royal is now 3 months old and weighs 17 pounds 4 ounces. He can flip himself over from his back to his stomach and he does it almost to the point of annoyance for me. I can’t just let him be on the ground or in his crib without checking on him constantly (he’s ok Noel, says Tyler, you just looked at him 30 seconds ago!). Some of it has to do with the fact that I just love him so much, and some how my love for him grows everyday. When I don’t know what to do with the love that I have for him, I grab his cheeks in both hands and squish his face and make a sound that can’t really be described. I know, luckily my husband understands me when I am doing it.
The hardest part about being a mom so far, besides less sleep and less alone time with Tyler, is being home. I love being home, do not get me wrong. I feel so blessed to be able to stay with Royal, that Tyler is able to make enough for our family. Inevitably there are times when I just can’t make another loaf of bread or Plum Crumb Cake; picking basil out back to make Pesto is less than appealing, and cooking dinner is replaced with thoughts of take out. These times, I know what I need is someONE. Talking to a 3 month old just doesn’t quite cut it all the time. I am fortunate to have recognized the problem early on and, even though it wasn’t easy (pride and all that gets in the way), I decided I needed to reach out to those around me. As a result I have been able to go to the zoo with my sister-in-law and nephews, spend an entire day with my best friend at her house doing not much of anything (except maybe making a tiny kitten climb one of her house plants), sit at a coffee shop with said friend on a different day, sit in living room for hours with another lady friend eating cheese, crackers, pesto (yep, homemade), and drinking coffee.
We are still learning what life looks like with a wee-one. Slowly we are falling in to more of a routine, which is something that we prefer to randomness. I try to organize my weeks to look somewhat similar to the rest; this gives me a better idea of what to expect.
Coming up: looking forward to visiting my family in Wisconsin, we are spending time with Tyler’s family at the lakehouse for the 4th of July, a welcoming home party this weekend for our friends Nathan and Amy who have been stuck living in MN for the past year, and a belated bday hot dog roast for our dear friend Katherine!
Tyler and I just wanna say that we are very happy together with our son. We feel undeserving of the life that we have, our home, church, family, friends… I am amazed whenever I reflect on these things. We very much love you all!