Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hot Kitchen

Trying to steal some sunshine to get these diapers dried. 
Our son has taken to sucking his thumb.
Tyler insists that it was inherited from me, that it is in his genes. ( I sucked my thumb and played with my hair for a long time.)
The hot weather is upon us. We sweat without really moving. The upside is that the Roma tomatoes and herbs are all reaching high and stretching toward the sky. The downside is that the chickens smell kind of putrid and well, sweat. I spent the last two days in the kitchen baking, chopping, blending and sweating.
The results: 
-3 loaves of whole wheat bread
-peanut butter spice granola
-blueberry muffins (the healthy kind consisting of soaked ww flour, maple syrup, egg, buttermilk, baking soda, blueberries)
cream cheese from yogurt (this being my first time ever and so easy! All you do is put yogurt (good quality plain like brown cow) or buttermilk in a towel covered strainer and set over a bowl, let all the whey drip out and ta dah! Save the whey to add protein to anything.  Spread cheese on homemade ww bread and drizzle with raw honey for a tasty treat. 
-mixed berry (blueberry, strawberry, raspberry) pie
I enjoy making new things. My next endeavor is ginger beer. It takes about 28 days from start to finish! But man, I bet it is worth it. 

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mother's Day, Art Fair and Royal's 2 month weight check

Tyler brought me breakfast (bacon, eggs, pancakes in the shape of an M for mama) in bed for mother's day. We ate and laid around for hours. It was great. 

These guys are the sweetest.
Jasani, our neighbor friend, came by to feed our chickens. Kept asking me "Why you takin pitcha?"
Tyler took part in the Butchertown Art Fair, we tried to get Royal to advertise for us, he wasn't happy about it.
But then he realized that his dad is an awesome graphic designer and he should support his business.

We had fun and the weather was perfect for it. It was also very successful, people were real encouraging about Tyler's work.
Here is our "little big man" as Jason, our roommate calls him. He is now 2 months old and weighs 14 lbs 3 ozs! (More than Jason and Kari's son Izaak who is 2 months older) Most people cannot believe it, but than they look at the muscles in my arms and are convinced. We are all doing well, sleeping here and there. I love being with our son and watching him grow. He talks to us now and smiles a lot. What a treat to be a parent!

Friday, May 7, 2010


-banana/blueberry muffin, coffee for breakfast

-read Acts 5-8, think about the early church and how similar it is to todays

-continue the process of making crusty Italian bread (the starter, or Biga, takes about 12-16 hours)

-soothe my son until he falls asleep, change a diaper, nurse

-think about mothers day, my mom, and how it has a whole new meaning this year

-continue to dig up a spot in the backyard that will be home to our herb patch: oregano, sage, lemon balm, lavendar, basil and thyme so far

-toss juicy worms to the chickens

-say hello to our blueberry and raspberry bushes (my mom says hello to her garden every morning, thought it was weird at first, now I cant help it when I get the chance)

-make hummus and tuna for lunch

-listen to Andrew stonestreet

-think about the spring, planting things, eating fresh vegetables, no more mealy winter tomatos anybody?

Our chickens have not been laying this week. On strike? Who knows, but I certainly miss their round, golden treats. I am not a big fan of cereal, unless I make it. It really is just corn with a bunch of vitamins and minerals added to it, throw in some preservatives. (Although I ate more cereal when I was pregnant than anything else it seems.) I just finished reading the Omnivores Dilemma by Michael Pollan: A fabulous book in which Mr. Pollan attempts, and succeeds, at following his meal from the beginning to the end. It all starts with corn is why I mention it. Entertainingly written, I recommend it to everybody.



