I ate a carrot, sweet potato, cheese crackers and drank an orange emergenC for lunch today. All of those things have something in common. What it is it?
We went to our first appointment with the nurse-midwife today. You all might think that we are crazy changing our care providers at 38 weeks pregnant. Until we saw the “laboring tub” (more commonly known as a large bath tub) in one of the rooms at our new hospital, I thought we were crazy too. Because of Tyler’s new job as the lead designer at Southern Baptist Seminary we have been able to switch to where we wish we could’ve been this whole time. Sometimes, you just gotta be patient; real patient.
The UPS man delivered a real treat to our door today: A long box with stickers exclaiming that it contained “live plants”. Of course I warned Tyler to be careful when he opened it (Little Shop of Horrors anyone?). To our delight, yes, the plants were still alive but fortunately the only thing they will be eating dirt. Hopefully, if we do it right, over the next few months we will be able to enjoy Heritage Raspberries, Rabbiteye Blueberries and Northstar Cherries. I am also expecting a Clemetine tree, which I can use to add to my list of orange foods that I eat.
This kid will come at anytime now. We finished our natural childbirth class last night: We know now how a rolling pin, peppermint oil, chocolate and a very large beach ball can help reduce the pains of childbirth. Tyler got to witness his first up-close-and-personal delivery on video. He was sweating with very wide eyes and a hand covered mouth as a result. With that said, I have full faith in his abilities to aid me when I am the one panting and groaning. He is a wonderful man.
I continue to sip my red raspberry leaf tea in hopes that it will strengthen my uterus. Maybe the next time you hear from me, it will have pushed our baby out.